Friday, July 8, 2011


Chris and Goran attached the chain plate to the top side. This is for shroud.

Firstly they drew on the top side where it needed to be and cut a bit of 8mm thick glass plate. it was then routed like on this video : 

The glass plate is then glued into place using epoxy (WEST SYSTEM) and thickener.
It was held into place by two bits of wood screwed them over the plate and then another piece of wood to wedge them in that was attached to the floor. after this was done another piece was fitted in but this time it was sanded down so that the plate was flush with the topside.


Firstly the bottom of the hull needs a sealer coat which is just a coat of resin from the WEST SYSTEM.
Reasons why are on this video.

It was then glassed with EDB400 and then vacuumed.

CENTER CASE (continued)

Here we have sea bass knocking the jig out of the center of center case. The center case was then cut to height and sanded down. so it was level with the hull. The same was done to the top of the center case, but was cut so it was level with the deck. And any gaps were filled with glue. 


We planed, sanded and filled any holes giving the bottom a nice smooth fare surface. 

Attaching the deck to the hull

When the deck is attached to the hull it is important that it is in the right position before gluing. This can be done by lining up the center lines. Then before we place it down we applied epoxy resin and thickener to all the flanges / bulk head then placed it on top. to keep the deck down we used this technique that Chris showed us on this video below.

After this was done Chris and James jumped inside and coved / glassed the all corners where the deck and hull were attached.

Making of the Deck

Firstly we made the cock pit sole and cockpit sides by getting the measurements of auto cad and transferred on to 15mm thick foam and cut out and glassed. We got the shape of the top side deck by using a scribe. We then glued / coved them into place. The cabin blister was made with the same technique we strip planked the hull but this time it was with foam. At certain places on the deck we rebated as seen on the video, this is to reduce sanding and get the fiber glass to go down slightly like around the sheer.

The hole deck is glassed with a layer of edb400 fiber glass covered the deck using 4 parts APR and 1 part APH to connect to deck. The stack went EDB400 / peel ply / perforated plastic / mesh then bag. 

Center case

The center case sits pretty much in the center of the boat and is where the centerboard and keel go through. This gives the boat lateral resistance.

Firstly a wooden jig was made and was wrapped with several layers of fiber glass. I then cut a hole in the hull where the center case would go. We then attached the center case to the hull by finding the correct height and keeping it level. Then it was then coved and glassed. We attached it to the deck when the boat was flipped over.
When glassing the to the center case jig we doubled the strips of glass and staggered them by 20mm to make it stronger and not leave to much of an over lap.

The girder needed to be cut back on the correct angle so the center case can fit in.