Friday, July 8, 2011

Making of the Deck

Firstly we made the cock pit sole and cockpit sides by getting the measurements of auto cad and transferred on to 15mm thick foam and cut out and glassed. We got the shape of the top side deck by using a scribe. We then glued / coved them into place. The cabin blister was made with the same technique we strip planked the hull but this time it was with foam. At certain places on the deck we rebated as seen on the video, this is to reduce sanding and get the fiber glass to go down slightly like around the sheer.

The hole deck is glassed with a layer of edb400 fiber glass covered the deck using 4 parts APR and 1 part APH to connect to deck. The stack went EDB400 / peel ply / perforated plastic / mesh then bag. 

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